This week we launched a new version of with the most recent data published by ICNF (2012) and easy access to the raw data that powers the site.

Download the data

Ever since we launched the site a couple of months ago, we frequently receive requests for the raw data that we use on the site. The complete dataset with detailed information about each of the 400.000 fires was already available for download on Github, but in the new release we went a step further and added a download button to each administrative area.

Download detailed fire data

With one easy click, you’ll be able to download granular data for that area (district, municipality or parish) in CSV format to the level of each fire. This enables anyone to analyze the raw data and create visualizations and insights with it.

Open data in Portugal is one of our efforts to contribute to open data in Portugal. Overall, the Portuguese government is seriously lagging behind other countries on issues like open data and transparency. We hope that initiatives from the private sector and civil society like and Demo.Cratica stimulate key people from public bodies to take action and move their agency forward on these topics.
If you live in and around Lisbon and are interested in contributing, please consider joining one of the meetups we organize periodically. The easiest way to keep up to date about these events, is by signing up to the Lisbon Open Data group that was recently created.